Thankful Thursday 9: The Little Things

Welcome to the ninth instalment of my Thankful Thursday, The Little Things! Finally back to actually posting on Thursday.

This week I’m focusing on gratitude for the little things, of which there were several this week.

Here’s my Thankful Thursday for the Week of June 8 – June 14, 2018!

Things I am thankful for this week:

  • Andrew brought a Lucky’s donut home from work for me today
  • These floofers on Granville Street

  • I got a lot of marking done! There are still huge mounds to go but I feel like I’m actually going to make it.
  • This owl mug I got at London Drugs for $3.99. $3.99!!! (I actually got two, and they are slightly different)

  • These views on my runs

  • Our favourite brunch locale, Craft Beer Market in False Creek, empty and super peaceful on Sunday morning after I ran 20k (more on that in a sec).

  • This view from my best friend’s apartment.
  • This piece of art in Starbucks while I did some marking with said friend.

  • The view I get every day when I leave work.

Also, some not-so-little things.

  • I knew I wanted to see if I could run the 20k scheduled for Sunday (the last run longer than 10k until race day), so I decided to do a slow stationary bike ride on Saturday to loosen up my legs instead of the 6k steady. I biked for the same amount of time it would have taken me to do the run. Then, on Sunday, I planned to head out around Stanley Park for a 10k, and then turn around and go all the way back if it went well. It did, so I completed 20k!! It took me 2:33, so I’m changing my expectations for the half, but I’m thankful I was able to do it at all.
  • I’m also hella thankful for this gorgeous 7am view about a quarter of the way through:

  • Finally, I had to schedule an appointment in the middle of the day on Tuesday, so I decided to take the day off work and schedule some other appointments too. I got by thyroid checked on the new dose and it’s back to normal (I could have told you that myself based on how I’ve felt, but it’s nice for the blood work to confirm it for me). Physio was amazing as always. I had a fantastic counselling session. And I got my nails done! It was a much-needed mental (and physical) health day. And it turns out I got my favourite TOC in for me! 🙂

Here’s my nails!

There you have it!

So, that’s my Thankful Thursday list for this week. I hope it inspires you to make your own, and get on that gratitude train!

Peace and love,


Thankful Thursday 8: Healing

Welcome to the eighth instalment of my Thankful Thursday, Healing! I’m really late this time, even with the best of intentions. I actually finished the post a while ago and then forgot to actually hit the button. I think I’m going to stop making promises, considering I’m in the thick of the last two weeks of school!

This week I’m focusing on gratitude for healing that has happened this week, both mentally and physically.

Here’s my Thankful Thursday for the Week of June 1 – June 7, 2018!

Things I am thankful for this week:

  • I got a yummy donut and coffee for Camp Day at Tim’s
  • We celebrated #nationaldonutday with Lucky’s

  • It’s been kind of grey but still warm
  • I’ve been really busy (more on that in a minute) but I haven’t dropped the ball on anything, which feels awesome
  • I went to this lovely cafĂ© called the Corner Stone with some friends from work whom I worked with on an innovation grant project this year to wrap up
  • I also went to an awesome bike-themed cafĂ© with a friend
Love me a well-executed theme.
  • And we walked on the seawall after
Again, grey but warm
  • The Capitals won the Stanley Cup (fight me, Ovechkin deserved to finally win)
  • Registration for my first year MEd courses went reasonably well (one class didn’t work for some reason, gave me a mild panic attack, and then worked on the second try – as usual)
  • This crazy large brussels sprout (I bought a whole bag of them, all this big)
  • My friend Joy got me the most beautiful paint-by-numbers for my birthday
  • Joy and I went to our favourite Starbucks, the fancy Reserve one on Main Street, for reward Nitro Cold Brew floats and we got the best table in the place!

The title of this post, Healing!

  • First and foremost, this week I’m really grateful for physical healing: MY HIP AND QUAD ARE FINALLY WELL ENOUGH FOR ME TO RUN! And this is what I got to see on my first trip back to the seawall… baby geese!

So cute. Anyway, at three weeks to race day, I finally felt well enough to give my legs a try. At this point in the program, Tuesdays are 6k fast, Wednesdays are sprints, Thursdays are 8k steady, Saturdays are 6k steady, and Sundays are looooooong distance. The geese photo is from Tuesday evening when I did a slow 3k, which felt stiff but good.

Then on Thursday, I decided to test my distance and was able to do the scheduled 8k (but a lot slower than target pace). I got this great view!

My hip is a ton better, but my quad still has some progress left to go. It’s not getting any worse from the running, which is great. I’m going to be my stubborn self and train and race, and then I’ll make sure it’s fully healed before I do anything else. I’ve done weekly physio and bi-weekly chiro this whole time, so don’t worry about me! 🙂

Second (and last but not least), I’ve really noticed some mental healing this week.

It’s obvious to me that this has been progress that I’ve made over the last almost two years on medication. However, it’s often things like these that we don’t really notice until we get thrown in hot water. Which is where I am now. Well, I wouldn’t say hot water. Just slightly uncomfortably warm water. It’s the last two weeks of scheduled classes at work. I’m coaching a rep rugby team, my report cards are due, and I’m getting things sorted for the MEd I’m starting in September. Oh and all the rehab and training that’s happening for my half that you just read about.

Anyway, the healing that I’m trying to get to is that I’m not panicking. I’m still sleeping eight hours a night. I’m able to get out of bed in the morning. I’m not crying. I don’t have daily headaches. I’m eating properly. It’s amazing. It used to be that when I was working through a really work-heavy, stressful time, I would start to self-combust. Now I’m fully functioning, albeit a bit more tired!

Another thing I’ve noticed is that I’m functioning better socially. This week, I had 4 social events after work. Now, I’m not going to go so far as to say that I was excited for them (I still dreaded them as usual), but I managed them especially well IMO. I’m an introvert, and I usually use most of my extrovert energy at my job as a teacher, so being required to go socialize with coworkers or other volunteers, etc. is often incredibly difficult for me. This week, although I dreaded each event, I quite enjoyed them while I was there. Healing!

There you have it!

So, that’s my Thankful Thursday list for this week. I hope it inspires you to make your own, and get on that gratitude train!

Peace and love,


Thankful Thursday 6: Organization

Welcome to the sixth instalment of my Thankful Thursday! This week’s theme is organization, but ironically, this is the week that it went off the rails a little (considering today is actually Friday). I knew it would happen eventually. It also makes a lot of sense to me that the first time it would happen during a holiday week.

This week I’m focusing on gratitude for the organization I’m making happen in my life.

Here’s my Thankful Thursday for the Week of May 18-May 24, 2018!

Things I am thankful for this week:

  • All of the amazing food I’ve eaten this week
    • Drinks and appies at Uva with my best friend, and then pizza and a s’mores calzone at Firecrust!
      Drinks at Uva.
      The arancini we ate at Uva.
      My build-your-own pizza.

      The s’mores calzone!
    • Brunch (and dessert) (and coffee coffee coffee) at Craft Beer Market in False Creek (this is my husband and I’s favourite weekend spot).
      The beautiful view near our favourite brunch place in False Creek.

      It’s called “dessert in a jar.” It’s awesome. Banana, chocolate sauce, toffee, ice cream, brownie, and whipped cream. Two spoons, of course.
    • Free popcorn and pop (and nachos we paid for) at the advanced showing of Solo: A Star Wars Story that we got to see through Andrew’s work. I’m also grateful for getting to go see the movie early!
    • Coffee at Matchstick with another best friend!
    • A delicious Starbucks breakfast with Andrew on the holiday Monday
  •  I had a guest speaker in for most of the week in my Planning 10 classes, which meant that I got a bit of a break at work. Of course I was still in all of my classes, but I didn’t have to plan the lessons, which was really nice for a change.
  • As I mentioned above, we had a long weekend for Victoria Day, and I’m really thankful for that! Andrew now gets his holiday Mondays off, which is really nice because we get to spend time together.
  • In addition to the holiday Monday, Friday was a Professional Development Day (in BC we call them Pro-D), which meant that I got to go to work and get a lot of things done and organized. Speaking of which…

The title of this post, Organization!

  • There are two main reasons that I chose organization for this week’s gratitude theme. One is that because I had a guest speaker in many of my classes and a Pro-D on Friday, I had a lot of opportunities to get organized at work. The other is that I got a burst of inspiration over the long weekend for how to further organize our home.
  • I’m always grateful for the opportunity to do some organization for work. Teaching 7 different classes with only 1h20 to prep once every two days leads to a lot of organizational backlog sometimes. It’s hard to stay on top of things. The Pro-D day really helped. Most of the time we have organized activities on these days, but this time we just got time to work on new curriculum implementation, and I got a lot of things done. It felt great!
  • Also, now and then I start to go stir crazy in our apartment. So I’m really thankful for the spark of inspiration and motivation I got over the weekend to change things up a bit. We have a kind of useless space between where our kitchen and entryway are, and our living room. We’ve had a small dining table there for the last while, but we never eat at it – we tended to use it for food storage instead. It was really a wasted space. So I decided that it would be a great idea to do away with the table and  get a big shelving unit for that wall area instead. We decided on Sunday, and off we went to IKEA on the holiday Monday. I had the shelf together by Monday evening, and I’ve spent the rest of the week moving things around and organizing. It’s been great! Here’s the process:
    BEFORE: The awkward space in our apartment. At this point, I had already taken apart the dining table, but for reference, that square piece of glass was the top of it, and the table was in the left-hand corner.
    The shelf, put together!

    The shelf, mid organizing! This is about where we’re at right now. More to come later!

There you have it!

So, that’s my Thankful Thursday list for this week. I hope it inspires you to make your own, and get on that gratitude train!

Peace and love,


Thankful Thursday 4: Motivation

Welcome to the fourth week of my Thankful Thursday. This week has flown by, and this time I’m focusing on gratitude for getting my motivation back.

Here’s my Thankful Thursday for the Week of May 4-May 10, 2018!

Things I am thankful for this week:

  • I was able to run my half-marathon on Sunday. My hip gave out at around 13-14km in. I ended up missing my PB by 6 seconds, but I did PB the first 5k (28:31) and 10k (1:00:15), which I’m proud of.
I did it!
  • It was also really great to have Dad, Sharon, and Andrew all at the finish line cheering me on.
Part one of the cheer squad.
Part two of the cheer squad.
  • I felt like I was going to die for the last 400 metres and their cheering really got me over the finish line!
Me feeling like I’m going to die.
  • I’m also thankful for all the awesome signs that people held along the course. Some of my favourites:
    • If Trump can run, so can you
    • Run quietly, I’m hungover
    • Smile, you paid to do this
    • Go random stranger go
    • Worst parade ever
    • Run like someone called you a jogger
  • The weather has been pretty consistently good once again, and I’m really enjoying the sun
  • We’ve had a few really nice dinners and visits with my Dad and Sharon and got to play Mario Kart together (I’ll let you imagine who won, lol)
  • Since my hip flexor is pretty sore after the run, I’m now on a complete rest period until it’s entirely better. It’s nice to be forced to slow down after 5 months of non-stop training.
  • I’ve also booked a chiro appointment and a physio session, which I’m really excited about. Chiro is today, I can’t wait!


  • And the title of this post, motivation! For most of March and April, I had totally lost all my motivation, and over the past week it’s finally felt like it’s coming back. I think that some of this could be due to the change in my thyroid meds, which really has lessened my levels of fatigue. My counselling appointment on Tuesday really helped, also. Those sessions really help me process all the things going through my head at a mile a minute. I also think the sun and the longer days are helpful as well. It’s nice to get home from work and still have at least 3-4 hours of sunlight left both for energy and to bask in.
  • I’ve also been reading more. The catalyst for this was realizing that I had an Advanced Reader Copy of a book to read and review two days before the due date.

There you have it!

So, that’s my Thankful Thursday list for this week. I hope it inspires you to make your own, and get on that gratitude train!

Peace and love,


Thankful Thursday 3: Slowing Down

Welcome to the third week of my Thankful Thursday, this time with a focus on slowing down.

Here’s my Thankful Thursday for the Week of April 27- May 3, 2018!

Things I am thankful for this week:

  • My hip is still pretty messed up but I went to chiro again and it was magical. This is the best chiropractor I have ever seen (and I’ve seen my fair share).
  • Also, I’m still able to run (albeit in pain) which means I’ll still be able to run Sunday’s race.
  • In the same vein… there are only three days until the BMO Vancouver Half-Marathon! I’m excited and nervous all at once. Five months of training and it’s nearly here!
  • I can feel the difference my new thyroid meds are making already. It could easily be placebo, but I’m sleeping less (more like 8 hours instead of 9) and still feeling rested. My mood is also higher and I’m more motivated and productive.
  • Dad and Sharon arrived safely in Vancouver and are staying really close to my place for two weeks! I’m so excited to have them cheer me on at my race.
  • We got a thank you card in the mail from friends we gave a gift to for their new baby.
  • My husband and I are quite possibly happier than we ever have been. We’ve always been happy, but things are just pretty swell right now, and we’re both taking notice. It’s awesome.
  • This 6am sunrise on my last training run before cutting things off to rest my hip:

Slowing Down

  • And the title of this post, slowing down! Because my hip and quad have been bothering me so much, I’ve cut some training runs out of my schedule and am spending a lot of time contrasting (ice and heat), and using my foam roller. It’s forcing me to slow down a bit and it feels nice, even though the injury itself is un-fun and stressful.
  • I’ve also been reading more. The catalyst for this was realizing that I had an Advanced Reader Copy of a book to read and review two days before the due date. So it forced me to spend a lot of Sunday and Monday reading. I managed to get the review published on time, which was great.

There you have it!

So, that’s my Thankful Thursday list for this sunny week. I hope it inspires you to make your own, and get on that gratitude train!

Peace and love,
